New Individual booklet for Counsellors and Coaches

As a result of interest generated by publication of an article in the Coaching Psychologist, a new Individual format version of the Work Related Quality of Life Scale (WRQoL) has been made available in booklet form.

Coaches and counsellors are being offered the opportunity to explore the use of the WRQoL in settings where assessment of Quality of Working Life (QoWL) can be useful in gaining a better understanding of an individual’s present circumstances and the aspects of work they are most affected by. Coaches and counsllors are being asked to provide feedback on the use of the individual version to help develop future materials. The WRQoL is being made freely available by the University of Portsmouth, and is increasingly being used in one-to-one and self-assessment settings, having been used mainly hitherto for staff surveys.

One way of evaluating the assessment is to use it yourself – use the link above to access the questionnaire, interpret your results and use the action plan. And don’t forget to let us know how you feel it can best be used.

Easton, S. & Van Laar, D. (2013). Evaluation of outcomes and Quality of Working Life in the coaching setting. The Coaching Psychologist, 9, 2, 71-77.